Board of Directors
Our Board of Directors (BOD) is a dynamic group of professionals with a diverse scope of expertise and experience. The most significant role of the BOD is ensuring that Camp Leo is securely positioned, financially and otherwise, to fulfill its mission. The BOD has anywhere from 9 to 15 members and is comprised of a Board Chair, Chair Elect, Treasurer, Secretary and Committees. If you believe you have a useful skill that you can contribute to our board please fill out and submit the application below.

Leadership Staff
Camp Leo Leadership Staff works year-round developing the plan for camp to ensure that each year is the best ever. Each camp has a Director, Assistant Director, and Counselor/CIT Leads. At camp, these staff members lead activities and provide leadership and support to the rest of the staff to ensure that camp is an enjoyable experience for everyone.

Medical Staff
Medical staff is comprised of a team of physicians, nurses, pharmacists, registered dietitians, and EMTs who are familiar with the complexity of managing T1D. The primary role of the medical staff at camp is to oversee the medical needs of a cabin of 6-10 campers. We offer a hands-on learning approach to diabetes management and exposure to the latest diabetes technology.

Nutrition Staff
Our nutrition staff is comprised of Registered Dietitians and assistants who help to plan, coordinate, and prepare menus, count carbs, and ensure that all camp staff and campers have access to healthy and appropriate nutrition to fuel their busy days. Additionally, nutrition staff provides education to campers on healthy eating and carbohydrate counting.

Professionals in Training
Camp Leo Professionals in Training are students in the health or medical field present at Camp Leo as a learning opportunity. Their purpose at camp is to learn more about Type 1 Diabetes management and community health care. All Professionals in Training are supervised by licensed preceptors. We accept applications from students of good standing in schools of Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Dietetics, or Naturopathic Medicine.

Counseling Staff
Our counseling staff is composed of people with T1D who are over the age of 18. Counselors are chosen for their experience working with children, their history with summer camp organizations, and their passion for serving the diabetes community. At camp, counselors are assigned cabins of 6-10 campers and a counselor-in-training. In addition to participating as cabin leaders, counselors also help to run campfire, organize special activities with their cabins, and develop mentorship relationships with their campers.

Counselors in Training (CIT)
CITs are teens with diabetes and in grades 10-12. CITs are partnered with a cabin, learning leadership techniques from the cabin counselors and medical staff. Becoming a CIT is a great way to give back to the Camp Leo community and begin your path to camp leadership! To apply to be a CIT teens must attend our Leaders in Training Weekend.

Leo the Lion
Help support us by representing camp at community events. Camp Leo participates in fun diabetes events like JDRF Beat the Bridge, T1Nation, and ConnecT1D Family Camp. Whether you wear the Lion costume or simply show up with a passion for camp, your presence helps spread the word about Camp Leo to families who need our support!

Program Staff
Our program staff lead activities for our campers. We are always looking for fun and interesting learning and adventure opportunities to bring to camp. If you have an activity that you would like to lead for a day or week at camp, please reach out and let us know. Program staff also act as hiking guides, archery instructors, challenge course leaders, and staff the arts and crafts room.

Lion Club Volunteers
Lions Club volunteers are an essential part of the Camp Leo family. From running arts, crafts and woodcrafts, to lending a hand to cleanup camp and conduct registration, we could not run camp without the Lions’ support! If your club is interested in volunteering at camp please contact the camp director at director@campleo.org