For camper security, we do not post arrival and departure times on the website. We send emails detailing this information prior to camp. Please refer to your email for exact drop-off and pick-up times for your campers.

If there are any changes or emergencies affecting the procedures or times for drop-off or pick-up, parents will be informed by email at least 24 hours prior to the beginning of camp. If there are any changes within 24 hours, you will be informed by phone.

Leaders in Training Weekend Arrival and Departure

LIT weekend begins Friday evening and goes through through Sunday after lunch. We kindly ask that parents transport their teens to the program.

Camp Leo's policy is that participants of the Leaders in Training program (including CITs) are not permitted to drive themselves or others to camp. We understand and are sensitive to the fact that driving kids to camp who could otherwise drive themselves represents an inconvenience. We understand that most young drivers are careful, safety conscious, and considerate when driving. However, they are one of the most vulnerable road-user groups because of their inexperience, relatively undeveloped driving skills, and their level of fatigue after a long weekend at camp. Furthermore, research shows that traveling with teenage passengers constitutes an increased risk for young drivers. If you have any questions about this policy, please reach out to our Program Coordinator at

Family Camp Arrival and Departure

Our 2024 Family Camp will be held at Warm Beach Camp and Conference Center in Stanwood, WA. For more information visit our Family Camp page here. As a reminder, at least one adult is required to be present for each family throughout event. All families are required to sign out before departing.

Summer Camp Check-in Procedure

Caregivers will park in the parking lot outside the Copper Mountain housing facility. There will be Camp Leo signs and volunteers directing you to the proper parking area. Caregivers and campers will bring their belongings to the first check-in table outside the Copper Mountain building. The only exception to this rule is if a member of the party is disabled or cannot walk from the parking lot for medical reasons.

The family will check-in with the registrar first and pay any remaining balance on their account. They will then be directed to meet one-on-one with their child’s medical staff to review the medical history and diabetes management information, this is where they will meet with our camp Pharmacists and can also meet with the Registered Dietitian. Following the medical check-in, the camper and caregivers will be escorted to their cabin by the Counselor-in-Training. There is no smoking or pets allowed on the premises.

Summer Camp Check-out Procedure

Please Park outside the Copper Mountain building. You will first confirm with Registrars for parent pick up then proceed to meet with your medical staff member for medical review. Please note that we will only release your child to the caregivers you have indicated at the beginning of the week. Caregivers will have the opportunity to speak with our sponsors at this time.


Packing Lists

Medical Worksheets

  • Two weeks before camp, caregivers will recieve by email a link to complete a diabetes medical worksheet that will ask for the campers current insulin ratios.

CIT Application and Job Description

Diabetes Supplies At Summer Camp

  • All insulin, glucose meters, and test strips are provided.
  • Any other prescription or non-prescription medications in original bottles with clearly labeled name and instructions
  • Please label all the extra supplies, pump, and CGM with your camper's full name.

While we provide all diabetes supplies at camp, please remember to bring a meter and supplies with you for the ride to and from camp.

Theme Nights

As part of the camp spirit, we have themes for each day of summer camp. Your child is welcome to participate in this by dressing up throughout the day. Please ensure things your camper brings to participate are suitable for particpating in activities throughout the day. We discourage buying costumes for this purpose, instead, we encourage our staff and campers to creatively think about how they can repurpose costumes or clothing they already own to fit the theme. We also have lots of costumes available in our dress up bin to supplement what they bring with them. High School and Middle School camps do host a dance party the last evening of camp and campers are welcome to dress up for the dance.


7/17 Super Hero

7/18 Decades (Pick a decade with a style you like)

7/19 Animal

7/20 Camo in the day /Tux&Tails at night (Masquerade Theme Party)


7/23 Funky Pattern/Fun Socks on Check in day

7/24 Animal

7/25 Decades (pick a decade with a style you like)

7/26 Tropical Beach in the day/ Semi-formal dance party at night.

ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CAMP TBD - Please check back closer to camp.

Cell Phone Policy

We want your child to fully experience the magic of camp and participate in all activities. To achieve this, we need your help in limiting your campers' phone use. Please refrain from contacting your camper while they are at camp. Camp Leo is your opportunity to have a break from the daily management of your camper’s diabetes. This also gives campers the opportunity to work on improving their diabetes independence, a core objective of Camp Leo.

Camp Leo will require campers to place their phones in a plastic bin during all scheduled activities allowing them to disconnect from social media, caregivers, and friends outside of camp. Campers are allowed to use phones for the following circumstances: to check continuous glucose monitors and bolus (where applicable), during downtime before lights out each evening to listen to music or audio books with the use of headphones, and to set an alarm to wake in the morning. Campers may not use their phones to play games, watch videos, use social media, or communicate with those outside of camp.

With nearly all campers using CGMs to monitor their blood sugars we recognize the importance and need for campers to have their phones near them. Campers who use a Dexcom CGM will be asked to share blood sugar readings with medical staff using Dexcom follow. When medical staff set up Camp Leo Dexcom Follow, we will be turning off caregiver access to Dexcom follow. Please note: While your camper is at Camp Leo, Camp Leo Medical Staff are responsible for your camper’s diabetes management and will be closely monitoring their blood sugars, so you don’t have to. Campers will continue to use their phones to monitor blood sugar and bolus (if applicable).

Part of the magic of camp is disconnecting from the outside world while connecting with others at camp. We STRONGLY discourage caregivers from messaging with their camper during camp. If you need to contact your camper, please do so by contacting the program coordinator and by sending daily emails to your camper. Emails from caregivers will be printed nightly and distributed to campers. Campers will not be able to respond to emails.

If a camper struggles to follow our phone use policy, first their phone will be confiscated and held by the cabin counselor or medical staff for the remainder of the day. CGM connection will be maintained as the cabin counselors or medical staff are always with their campers. On a second occurrence of misuse, the camper's phone may be confiscated for the rest of the camp session. Camp Leo is not responsible for lost or damaged phones.

Why are we implementing this phone policy:

While your camper is at Camp Leo, Camp Leo Medical Staff are responsible for your camper’s diabetes management. It is critical for the medical management of your child while they are at camp that they are not receiving medical instructions from you instead of their cabin medical staff. If you have concerns about your camper, or their medical management, or want to know how they are at camp, please contact the program coordinator.

Camp Leo is an opportunity for campers to gain independence in all parts of their life, most critically with their diabetes management. During this week, campers will be under the supervision of medical staff, but will be encouraged to take the "lead” on their diabetes management.

This is a time for all campers and camper caregivers to disconnect. We know that diabetes is a 24 hour/ 7 day a week chronic illness. During this week, your camper will be developing lifelong relationships with folks who understand this! These bonds are made stronger when campers are fully present at camp. Additionally, this is the caregivers break, too! Caregivers equally need a break from the day-to-day management, and we hope you take this opportunity to disconnect from your camper's management and engage in your own selfcare.

What not to bring

  • Food, beverages, or snacks. All food and snacks - including low blood glucose treatments - are provided. Food in the cabins tends to attract unwanted critters. DO NOT BRING IT!
  • Jewelry or other valuables
  • Electronics, including laptops, iPods, tablets, portable CD or DVD players, gaming systems, etc.




LIT Weekend and Summer Camp - Black Diamond Camps at Auburn

19830 SE 328th Pl Auburn, WA 98092

Leaders in Training Weekend and our summer camp sessions are held at Black Diamond Camps at Auburn.



Family Camp - Warm Beach Camp and Conference Center

20800 Marine Dr, Stanwood, WA 98292

Family Camp will be held at Warm Beach Camp and Conference Center in Stanwood, Washington.



Mail and Packages

Care Packages

Here are some of the care package items that have been sent in the past by other parents and have been enjoyed by all the campers. This list contains more ideas than can possibly be used by one camper - it is not a checklist! One of the many amazing things about our campers is their generosity and kinship with each other. Many of the items on the list can be shared between bunkmates, and sharing such treasures provides additional joy for those who receive them and those they share them with.

  • Stickers
  • Mad Libs
  • Card games such as Uno or decks of cards
  • Glow sticks
  • Fingernail polish and maybe the fingernail polish remover cloths
  • Drawing pad and writing utensils (colored pencils, markers, fun pens)
  • Bouncy balls, light-up balls
  • Small games like Jacks or Pick-up Sticks
  • Temporary tattoos
  • Set of fake mustaches
  • Small action hero or Lego set
  • Funny wig or hat
  • Superhero cape
  • Small stuffed animal
  • Silly socks
  • Punch-balls
  • Journal
  • Yarn
  • Joke book (age appropriate)
  • Face paint
  • Plain pillowcase, t-shirt, or small cloth canvas with Sharpies for your child to decorate as a memento with his/her bunkmates and friends.
  • Rainbow band looms

While Camp Leo provides endless opportunities for kids to explore nature, make new friends, find inner peace, and laugh uncontrollably - all while learning about how to best care for themselves - there is always room for more fun. Many parents enjoy sending letters or care packages for their kiddos while they are at camp.

We have a Camp Leo "post office" where you can drop off your mail during registration to save on postage (and make sure that it actually gets there - the Greenwater post office is notoriously slow and camp is short!). Please send any mail and/or packages at least 4 days before you expect them to arrive. Letters or packages should have your child's name and cabin number printed on it (given to you at registration), along with what day you would like the mail delivered.

PLEASE NOTE: this is definitely not a requirement and no parents should feel obligated to leave mail at drop off. Many campers do not receive letters or care packages and their camp experience is not any less awesome than those who do get something.

Also, please remember that these items are NOT allowed: * Weapons or items that resemble weapons, including water guns and dart guns; * Any food, treats, gum, or candy - sugar free or otherwise; * Electronics

Email / "Snail Mail"

Camp Leo is trying to make it easier for campers to get mail every night by printing and handing out emails at camp. This guarantees that your camper will get the letters you send. You can email your camper once camp is in session at . Please make sure to include your camper's FULL NAME and CABIN NUMBER in the subject line. To keep our printing costs low please do not send photos in your emails. Also we encourage caregivers to avoid messages that include how the camper is missed by parents, siblings, and/or pets, instead we encourage caregivers to express joy for their camper to be at camp, messages of encouragement and praise are recieved exceptionally well by campers.


We have a very busy schedule at camp and may not be able to answer right away. Please leave a message, and we will return your call as promptly as possible.

Is listed on your "Welcome Letter" and in email communications to caregivers.